The view site always blank

I create a Lightsail instance for Ghost. and set the domain and SSL Here is my site When I log in to the admin page. the view site page got the error like this

Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure frame ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.

Here I try

cd /opt/bitnami/ghost
ghost config set url

and restart the ghost Than browse again the site redirect to

How search the same issue in ghost Forum.
the suggestion is set config of nginx x-forwarded-proto to https
but I can’t find the nginx config in AWS lightsail Bitnami

Edit your config.production.json file, and make sure you have “url” : “”, included. Note the https.

Yes It is
and I restart the ghost
browser will redirect to

For starters, you don’t have any WWW records for the domain, so Nginx isn’t configured correctly (the bare domain does resolve.) This is the likely cause of the problem.

The quickest fix is to use, and simply change config.production.json to reflect this.

If you want WWW, you’ll need to add an A record to your DNS, and change the Nginx config to redirect non-WWW to WWW.

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