Theme keeps deleting itself

Hey guys,

Just wanted to message here if I could get any help. I am currently using ghost for my blog for my company however, every 24 hours my theme, images etc decide to delete themself. I used a one click installtion which used Heroku (As this is what we are using for our servers).

It does ask if you have S3 storage which is most likely the problem, however I wouldn’t know how to configure this when I am not storing the image with AWS. If anyone could help that would be great.

Here’s a link to my blog and I am using the latest version of Ghost.

Have a great day and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards


As mentioned in the README of the ghost-on-heroku repo, heroku does not support permanent filesystems Dynos and the Dyno Manager | Heroku Dev Center

If you would like to support file uploads (themes, images, routes) I would suggest either using S3 as the repo suggests, or using another hosting provider which supports permanent storage :relaxed:

If you’re looking for another hosting provider our docs advise on the best/supported ways

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As of right now you have to put the theme in the ghost-on-heroku repo itself, you can’t use S3 storage to store the theme, and the app is non-persistent so any changes made after starting up will be lost as soon as the Heroku dyno restarts. I think there is some doco around on how to do this, essentially you need to unzip and add the theme files to a local git repo under /content/themes// and push that repo to the heroku app.

Edit: you also mention images and now I realise that it sounds like you don’t have any object storage set up. Well, that’s pretty much mandatory if you want to deploy your own Ghost server on something like Heroku, Docker, or Kubernetes etc. I would strongly recommend getting some S3 or Google Cloud storage, it’s free for the first year and not that painful to set up.

Thank you very much ;D, I think this is what I we are going to do.

Kind Regards


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