Upgrade from 5.9.4 to 5.10.0 - Error

✔ Checking system Node.js version - found v16.17.0
✔ Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
✔ Checking if logged in user is directory owner
✔ Checking current folder permissions
✔ Checking folder permissions
✔ Checking file permissions
✔ Checking content folder ownership
✔ Checking memory availability
✔ Checking free space
✔ Checking for available migrations
✔ Checking for latest Ghost version

# 5.10.0

* 🐛 Fixed error deleting post with comment replies - Hannah Wolfe
* 🐛 Fixed broken email prefs link in comment emails - Hannah Wolfe
* 🐛 Fixed comments not visible in activity feed - Simon Backx
* 🐛 Fixed line breaks not persisting when used inside email cards - Kevin Ansfield
* 🐛 Fixed adding emojis in editor - Daniel Lockyer

View the changelog for full details: https://github.com/tryghost/ghost/compare/v5.9.4...v5.10.0

🪄 Love open source? We're hiring [Node.js Engineers](https://careers.ghost.org/product-engineer-node-js) to work on Ghost full-time

✔ Fetched release notes
Version already installed.
ℹ Downloading and updating Ghost [skipped]
+ sudo systemctl stop ghost_www-futurenode-dk
✔ Stopping Ghost
✔ Linking latest Ghost and recording versions
+ sudo systemctl start ghost_www-futurenode-dk
+ sudo systemctl stop ghost_www-futurenode-dk
✖ Restarting Ghost
A GhostError occurred.

Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_www-futurenode-dk -n 50

Debug Information:
Mysql 8
OS: Ubuntu, v20.04.1 LTS
Node Version: v16.17.0
Ghost Version: 5.10.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.22.0
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost update’

Additional log info available in: /home/ghost-mgr/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2022-08-9T15_17_11_062Z.log

Debug Information:

     OS: Ubuntu, v20.04.1 LTS
     Node Version: v16.17.0
     Ghost Version: 5.10.0
     Ghost-CLI Version: 1.22.0
     Environment: production
     Command: 'ghost update'
 Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: Cannot read properties of undefined reading 'name')
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_www-futurenode-dk -n 50
 Stack: Error: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
     at Server.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/port-polling.js:73:28)
     at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28)
     at Server.emit (node:events:513:28)
     at emitCloseNT (node:net:1820:8)
     at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. ghost update.
  2. Give the error above.

Hey @Taxick - would you be able to give the output of ghost log?


From “ghost log”

+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-futurenode-dk
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Removing members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Rollback was successful.
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ghost server started in 0.469s
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Ghost database ready in 0.694s
[2022-08-19 17:38:21] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.351s
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Ghost booted in 3.921s
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Scheduling job email-analytics-fetch-latest at 3 4/5 * * * *. Next run on: Fri Aug 19 2022 17:39:03 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 0 50 0 * * *. Next run on: Sat Aug 20 2022 00:50:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
Debug Information:
    OS: Ubuntu, v20.04.1 LTS
    Node Version: v16.17.0
    Ghost Version: 5.10.0
    Ghost-CLI Version: 1.22.0
    Environment: production
    Command: 'ghost update'
Message: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_www-futurenode-dk -n 50
Stack: Error: Ghost was able to start, but errored during boot with: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at Server.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/port-polling.js:73:28)
    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:627:28)
    at Server.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at emitCloseNT (node:net:1820:8)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

Ah, it’s further back - ghost log -n 200 then please :slightly_smiling_face:

+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_www-futurenode-dk
[2022-08-19 17:18:27] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:18:27] INFO Scheduling job email-analytics-fetch-latest at 16 0/5 * * * *. Next run on: Fri Aug 19 2022 17:20:16 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:18:27] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:18:27] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 20 25 13 * * *. Next run on: Sat Aug 20 2022 13:25:20 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:19:17] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 505ms
[2022-08-19 17:20:16] INFO Worker for job "email-analytics-fetch-latest" online
[2022-08-19 17:20:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: Fetched 9 events and aggregated stats for 2 emails in 432ms
[2022-08-19 17:20:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: done
[2022-08-19 17:23:15] INFO "GET /ghost/api/v2/content/authors/?limit=100&page=1&key=7a5e41a9c48c944c4ae6e57b7b" 200 131ms
[2022-08-19 17:24:17] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 172ms
[2022-08-19 17:25:16] INFO Worker for job "email-analytics-fetch-latest" online
[2022-08-19 17:25:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: Fetched 9 events and aggregated stats for 2 emails in 416ms
[2022-08-19 17:25:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: done
[2022-08-19 17:27:25] INFO "GET /" 200 637ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /assets/dist/app.min.css?v=68e00cae0e" 200 23ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /assets/dist/app.min.js?v=68e00cae0e" 200 51ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /public/cards.min.css?v=68e00cae0e" 200 7ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /public/cards.min.js?v=68e00cae0e" 200 6ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /assets/icons/feather-sprite.svg?v=68e00cae0e" 200 32ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /assets/icons/menu-icons.svg?v=68e00cae0e" 200 25ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:26] INFO "GET /members/api/member/" 200 41ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:27] INFO "GET /ghost/api/content/settings/?key=e7dfb95b57ff10d7ed79546499&limit=all" 200 28ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:27] INFO "GET /ghost/api/content/tiers/?key=e7dfb95b57ff10d7ed79546499&limit=all&include=monthly_price,yearly_price,benefits" 200 36ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:27] INFO "GET /ghost/api/content/newsletters/?key=e7dfb95b57ff10d7ed79546499&limit=all" 200 11ms
[2022-08-19 17:27:29] INFO "GET /OneSignalSDKWorker.js?appId=5ef4c137-7262-41c8-92b9-2e3b6ff6e495?sdkVersion=151514" 304 33ms
[2022-08-19 17:29:08] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 234ms
[2022-08-19 17:29:17] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 178ms
[2022-08-19 17:30:16] INFO Worker for job "email-analytics-fetch-latest" online
[2022-08-19 17:30:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: Fetched 9 events and aggregated stats for 2 emails in 658ms
[2022-08-19 17:30:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: done
[2022-08-19 17:31:16] INFO "GET /blog/" 404 191ms
[2022-08-19 17:31:17] INFO "GET /" 200 297ms
[2022-08-19 17:31:17] INFO "GET /contact/" 200 191ms
[2022-08-19 17:33:02] INFO "GET /content/images/2021/09/edit2.webp" 200 14ms
[2022-08-19 17:34:17] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 228ms
[2022-08-19 17:34:17] INFO "GET /content/images/2022/03/weneedyou.webp" 200 6ms
[2022-08-19 17:34:17] INFO "GET /content/images/2022/07/windows-error.png" 200 4ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:16] INFO Worker for job "email-analytics-fetch-latest" online
[2022-08-19 17:35:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: Fetched 9 events and aggregated stats for 2 emails in 252ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:17] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: done
[2022-08-19 17:35:23] INFO "GET /wp-admin/css/" 404 112ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:30] INFO "GET /.well-known/" 404 111ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:34] INFO "GET /sites/default/files/" 404 94ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:41] INFO "GET /admin/controller/extension/extension/" 404 109ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:45] INFO "GET /uploads/" 404 106ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:52] INFO "GET /images/" 404 110ms
[2022-08-19 17:35:59] INFO "GET /files/" 404 145ms
[2022-08-19 17:36:45] INFO "GET /ghost/api/v2/admin/posts/?limit=75&page=1&include=tags,author,authors&formats=html&order=updated_at%20desc" 200 598ms
[2022-08-19 17:38:04] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:38:04] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:38:04] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:38:04] WARN Ghost was running for 20 minutes
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Ghost server started in 0.53s
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] WARN Database state requires migration.
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Creating database backup
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Database backup written to: /var/www/ghost/content/data/futurenode-dk.ghost.2022-08-19-15-38-06.json
[2022-08-19 17:38:06] INFO Running migrations.
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Adding members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Adding table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Adding table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Adding on delete CASCADE for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:38:07] INFO Ghost database ready in 1.742s
[2022-08-19 17:38:09] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 4.112s
[2022-08-19 17:38:10] ERROR

NAME: InternalServerError
MESSAGE: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

level: critical

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:477:32)
    at Function.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/domain-events/lib/DomainEvents.js:31:34)
    at MemberAttributionEventHandler.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/event-handler.js:12:27)
    at new MemberAttributionService (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/service.js:10:22)
    at MemberAttributionServiceWrapper.init (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/server/services/member-attribution/index.js:15:24)
    at initServices (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:295:27)
    at async bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:446:9)

[2022-08-19 17:38:10] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:38:10] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:38:10] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:38:10] WARN Ghost was running for a few seconds
[2022-08-19 17:38:10] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Restoring foreign key for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Dropping table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Removing members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:38:17] INFO Rollback was successful.
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:38:18] INFO Ghost server started in 0.469s
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:38:19] INFO Ghost database ready in 0.694s
[2022-08-19 17:38:21] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.351s
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Ghost booted in 3.921s
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Scheduling job email-analytics-fetch-latest at 3 4/5 * * * *. Next run on: Fri Aug 19 2022 17:39:03 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 0 50 0 * * *. Next run on: Sat Aug 20 2022 00:50:00 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:38:22] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:39:03] INFO Worker for job "email-analytics-fetch-latest" online
[2022-08-19 17:39:04] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: Fetched 9 events and aggregated stats for 2 emails in 313ms
[2022-08-19 17:39:04] INFO Worker for job email-analytics-fetch-latest sent a message: done
[2022-08-19 17:39:17] INFO "GET /rss/" 200 432ms
[2022-08-19 17:39:30] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:39:30] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:39:30] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:39:30] WARN Ghost was running for a minute
[2022-08-19 17:39:31] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:39:31] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:39:31] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:39:31] INFO Ghost server started in 0.485s
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] WARN Database state requires migration.
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Creating database backup
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Database backup written to: /var/www/ghost/content/data/futurenode-dk.ghost.2022-08-19-15-39-32.json
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Running migrations.
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Adding members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Adding table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Adding table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Adding on delete CASCADE for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:39:32] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:39:33] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:39:33] INFO Ghost database ready in 1.575s
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.969s
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] ERROR

NAME: InternalServerError
MESSAGE: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

level: critical

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:477:32)
    at Function.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/domain-events/lib/DomainEvents.js:31:34)
    at MemberAttributionEventHandler.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/event-handler.js:12:27)
    at new MemberAttributionService (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/service.js:10:22)
    at MemberAttributionServiceWrapper.init (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/server/services/member-attribution/index.js:15:24)
    at initServices (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:295:27)
    at async bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:446:9)

[2022-08-19 17:39:35] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] WARN Ghost was running for a few seconds
[2022-08-19 17:39:35] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:02] INFO Restoring foreign key for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:40:02] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:02] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:03] INFO Dropping table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:03] INFO Dropping table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:03] INFO Removing members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:40:03] INFO Rollback was successful.
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Ghost server started in 0.481s
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:40:04] INFO Ghost database ready in 0.682s
[2022-08-19 17:40:07] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.325s
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Ghost booted in 3.962s
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Scheduling job email-analytics-fetch-latest at 8 0/5 * * * *. Next run on: Fri Aug 19 2022 17:40:08 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 57 28 4 * * *. Next run on: Sat Aug 20 2022 04:28:57 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:40:08] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:12] INFO "GET /" 200 587ms
[2022-08-19 17:40:35] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:40:35] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:40:35] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:40:35] WARN Ghost was running for a few seconds
[2022-08-19 17:40:36] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:40:36] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:40:36] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:40:36] INFO Ghost server started in 0.469s
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] WARN Database state requires migration.
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Creating database backup
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Database backup written to: /var/www/ghost/content/data/futurenode-dk.ghost.2022-08-19-15-40-37.json
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Running migrations.
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Adding members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Adding table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Adding table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Adding on delete CASCADE for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:40:37] INFO Ghost database ready in 1.561s
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.824s
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] ERROR

NAME: InternalServerError
MESSAGE: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')

level: critical

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name')
    at bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:477:32)
    at Function.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/domain-events/lib/DomainEvents.js:31:34)
    at MemberAttributionEventHandler.subscribe (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/event-handler.js:12:27)
    at new MemberAttributionService (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/node_modules/@tryghost/member-attribution/lib/service.js:10:22)
    at MemberAttributionServiceWrapper.init (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/server/services/member-attribution/index.js:15:24)
    at initServices (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:295:27)
    at async bootGhost (/var/www/ghost/versions/5.10.0/core/boot.js:446:9)

[2022-08-19 17:40:40] WARN Ghost is shutting down
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] WARN Ghost has shut down
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] WARN Your site is now offline
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] WARN Ghost was running for a few seconds
[2022-08-19 17:40:40] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Restoring foreign key for comments parent_id
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Dropping foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Adding foreign key from comments.parent_id to comments.id
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Dropping table: members_subscription_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Dropping table: members_created_events
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Removing members_products.expiry_at column
[2022-08-19 17:40:53] INFO Rollback was successful.
[2022-08-19 17:40:54] INFO Ghost is running in production...
[2022-08-19 17:40:54] INFO Your site is now available on https://www.futurenode.dk/
[2022-08-19 17:40:54] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2022-08-19 17:40:54] INFO Ghost server started in 0.477s
[2022-08-19 17:40:55] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
[2022-08-19 17:40:55] INFO Database is in a ready state.
[2022-08-19 17:40:55] INFO Ghost database ready in 0.7s
[2022-08-19 17:40:57] INFO Ghost URL Service Ready in 3.358s
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Ghost booted in 4.024s
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Scheduling job email-analytics-fetch-latest at 49 0/5 * * * *. Next run on: Fri Aug 19 2022 17:45:49 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Adding offloaded job to the queue
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Scheduling job update-check at 58 13 8 * * *. Next run on: Sat Aug 20 2022 08:13:58 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time)
[2022-08-19 17:40:58] INFO Bootstrap client was closed.
````Preformatted text`

@Taxick Thank you - we are investigating internally :slightly_smiling_face:

@daniellockyer - Thanks, I will wait for an update.

Hey @Taxick - would you be able to try with v5.10.1? :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @daniellockyer

I can confirm the fix works… I have updated to 5.10.1 without any problem :slight_smile:


Thank you for confirming @Taxick - I appreciate the quick bug reports every time :slightly_smiling_face:

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