301-Redirect | Website Logo is appended to slug

Hi together,

I am in a desperate situation. I have changed my website from WP to Ghost. Currently it’s running on https://bitcoin-2go.de

During the migration process, I had to prune the database and remove all img-tags containg a source such as “/wp-content/images/”.

While the website looks smoth at the first glance, I am facing an issue when running a side audit with ahref.

Problem Description:

As the attached screenshot shows, the path to my website logo (“GHOST_URL/content/images/2021/07/b2go-lightmode.svg”) is appended to each slug of my website. Consequently, this produces an incredible amount 4xx-errors and somehow also 301-redirects.


Is there any approach/advice or hint you can give me where I should take a closer look at in order to fix the issue?

System Description:

Ghost: v4.9.1
Running as a droplet on digitalocean

Does anyone have an idea or approach how to fix the issue?