You need to go through and look at each page that’s reported to have a problem. Figure out if it’s a problem. Some probably aren’t. (Do you care if your tag pages get indexed? Probably not.) some might be. But you’ll need to look at each problem separately.
I mind if tag page are indexed, especially one because it is the main page of my blog.
But, what do you mean by going through ?
I already checked the internals and external links.
I mean you need to look at each page GSC shows as not indexed, and look at why.
Here is the current situation.
In GSC, Google recognizes these 3 pages as non canonicals.
I inspect each of these 3 pages. Here is the interpretation of Google for each of them :
But on Detailed SEO, it shows that it is completely fine…
Today, I set up these redirects rules. I don’t know if it would solve the recognition of the right canonical URLs by GSC…
What do you think ?
Honestly, I don’t know what to do more.
I am lost
I think that you should look closely at this:
That shows that Google thinks that this page matches the Ghost error message. So… there is something wrong with that page (maybe it doesn’t exist), or there was when Google visited last. Since that page looks fine now, you should tell Google that the page is fixed, and to visit again. (There’s a button to ‘validate fix’.) Do that for any page that looks fine to you but Google thinks is just the Ghost error page.
The final three redirects you showed don’t make a lot of sense. You’re hosted on Ghost Pro, which doesn’t work with multiple domains, so there’s no way that requests for will arrive at the site successfully.
This file is also invalid, because each line with a url to be redirected needs to start with two spaces.
If you want to change the text of /tag/ and /author/, these should not be done here, but should be done in your routes.yaml file.
All the 3 pages do exist.
I did not know that by clicking on “Validate fix”, it tells Google that the problem is solved.
To me, it seems you’re telling to Google that you validate his sorting as a non canonical URL.
But okay, I’ll give a try in that case to validate all of them and let you know
Secondly, I changed my redirects file with the 2 spaces and removed the links with jeremyvincent(.)be.
I’ll see what happens then.
Concerning what you said about /tag and /author, I set the redirections up in the routes.yaml also.