February 14, 2020, 9:57am
I am using another CMS for one of my small website ( a landing page). It’s post editor is seems really nice for non-techies.
For example, I can add Link Target=Same Window/New Window, Rel Attribute=NoFollow/DoFollow/Sponsored/UGC from the Post editor itself. Reminds me of Wordpress UI.
Here is a 25 seconds’ demo
It would be great if Ghost editor incorporate this for the non-techies like me.
Thank you
Brilliant Work @John and the Team
If anyone arrives here looking for a solution you can check out this thread:
Hello all
I’d like all external links on my blog to open in a new tab.
I’ve been reading the blog posts on this forum from people that had a similar question. I found some possible solutions that were posted here, but none of them seem to work on my Ghost website. The current version of Markdown seems to overrule attempts to manually create links like
[Text goes here](http://linkgoeshere " target=“_blank)
and take out the target=”_blank" part.
Does anyone know if there is a way to overrule t…
I think @jeff ’s version expects jQuery to be present, here’s a vanilla JavaScript version:
[...document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='?xgtab&']")].forEach(link => {
link.setAttribute("target", "moredetail");