Adding a banner to advertise my website on my Ghost newsletter site


Is there any way I can add a banner (which will look like a banner) to advertise another website of mine?



The answer to this question is very theme specific. Link your site? I am using the source theme. Thanks!!

Something like this:

const header=document.querySelector('header');
let newDiv = document.createElement('div')
newDiv.innerHTML = "<p>Hello world! Put any HTML wanted here</p>"
'<p>Hello world! Put any HTML wanted here</p>'
//header.appendChild(newDiv); alternative - depends where you want it!

For a banner above source, you’ll also need to tweak margins (depending on the banner height):

<style> {
margin-top: 80px;

The javascript needs to go in the code injection footer, but the styles can go in the code injection header.
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