All routes of ghost are giving 404

Hi All,
I am trying to install ghost on my aws server. Everything is seem to be installed and running but the routes of ghost are giving 404.

for example is giving 404.

Here are all versions and configurations involved:

  • url:

  • ghost version: Ghost-CLI version: 1.15.0

  • os: rhel fedora, Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03

  • Node Js: v12.19.0

  • mysql: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.62, for Linux (x86_64) using readline 5.1

  • nginx configuration: nginx -

Free free to ask for any other information.

Were you able to resolve this?

It seems that the URL does not contain anything anymore and it also does not have a correct SSL configuration so it is not possible to help with your problem.