Boilerplate theme for Tailwind CSS

Hej! I’m working on a custom theme for my own website. I want to build upon Tailwind CSS and Snowpack (which is an alternative to Gulp/Webpacker/… with less configuration) and because I couldn’t find that combination, I started building it out from scratch.

I thought this could be usable for somebody else too, so I made this very minimal version of a theme: GitHub - clupprich/starter-snowpack-tailwind: A boilerplate for a ghost theme, powered by Snowpack & Tailwind CSS..


@archiethedev messaged me privately and let me know that my boilerplate theme looks very similar to his That is right. I never meant to copy his theme, but really only provide a boilerplate for theme developers that wanna start out with Tailwind CSS and Snowpack. I apologize and have now removed all styling from my project.