Can I use get to use tags to filter what displays with the Share your latest posts? design setting for email newsletters? In a perfect world, I’d like to have the three posts be from one tag, not all possible tags.
In my index.hbs file, I’m able to use get to filter the content of my home page. I’m wondering if I can do the same for each newsletter I send out.
{{#get "posts" filter="primary_tag:newsletters" limit="12"}}
{{#foreach posts}}
{{> "loop"}}
Thanks in advance for any information…
You can’t. But you can manually include three bookmarks for however many specific posts you’d like to share. Or write your own HTML. Or use a product card. For an example, https://lynchburgagenda.com uses this format for their Ghost newsletter:
Thanks Cathy for clarifying. Seems like an easy thing to add to Ghost as a new feature.
By HTML, you mean static HTML? Not any code like the get command?
And by bookmarks, you mean manually adding them to each newsletter? I ask because the published post version of the newsletter has its own set of related posts at the bottom. I’d have to manually add bookmarks and then remove them from the post.
Just trying to understand the limits and options. Thanks again!
Yes, static HTML, not handlebars.
Right, I was suggesting a manual addition.
Agreed, if you’re publishing newsletters with a theme that adds related posts, it might look odd. Depends on the exact design, probably!
Definitely not a perfect solution, alas.