Cannot get Ghost to work in WSL2

I followed the installation procedure in How to install Ghost locally on Mac, PC or Linux and able to verify that Ghost is running:

but as soon as I access it from a browser or the local curl command, it just stops:


I’m using the following:

  • Node: v14.15.0
  • npm: v6.14.8

Hey @prandelicious! :wave: Would you be able to post the logs from your site? They should be accessible through ghost log. I’m looking for some indication as to why Ghost stopped for you.

Sure, here you go:

❯ ghost log
Found a development config but not a production config, running in development mode instead
[2020-11-03 23:33:34] INFO Ghost is running in development...
[2020-11-03 23:33:34] INFO Listening on:
[2020-11-03 23:33:34] INFO Url configured as: http://localhost:8080/
[2020-11-03 23:33:34] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2020-11-03 23:33:34] INFO Ghost boot 2.462s
[2020-11-03 23:33:47] INFO "GET /ghost/" 200 122ms
[2020-11-04 00:03:26] INFO Ghost is running in development...
[2020-11-04 00:03:26] INFO Listening on:
[2020-11-04 00:03:26] INFO Url configured as: http://localhost:8080/
[2020-11-04 00:03:26] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2020-11-04 00:03:26] INFO Ghost boot 2.496s
[2020-11-04 00:03:34] INFO "GET /ghost/" 200 135ms
[2020-11-04 00:06:56] INFO Ghost is running in development...
[2020-11-04 00:06:56] INFO Listening on:
[2020-11-04 00:06:56] INFO Url configured as: http://localhost:8080/
[2020-11-04 00:06:56] INFO Ctrl+C to shut down
[2020-11-04 00:06:56] INFO Ghost boot 2.507s
[2020-11-04 00:07:20] INFO "GET /" 200 579ms

Thanks! I can also reproduce locally so I’ll try and hunt down the issue.

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Thanks for confirming! Hope you find what’s causing this.

@prandelicious We managed to find the issue and we’ve released Ghost-CLI 1.15.2 with a fix. You should be able to run npm install -g ghost-cli@latest and then everything should operate as normal.

Thanks for the bug report - we really appreciate it!

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Works now! Amazing how you were able to fix it in such a short time!

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