Cannot invite users (Mailgun)

Hello all,

I have an account at mailgun, and I am using Ghost on PikaPods. Below is what i have in the environment variables for the pod:

mail_transport SMTP
mail_options_service Mailgun
mail_options port 587
mail_options_auth_user (as in line 2)
mail_options_auth_path my Mailgun API key

Ghost backend says that Mailgun is set up, but if I try to invite a user, I get an error saying i should check my mail settings. Any ideas what I am doing wrong here, please?


EDIT: Looks like the email account associated is sending mail but not receiving it, all my DNS records in Mailgun are verified, but not all of them active.

OK, it looks like I’ve fixed it. I read in another post that changing the port to 465 and secure to “false” in the pod environment variables should fix things, and it looks like it has as I can now invite staff from the back end.

Only odd thing is that the mail account I am using for this will not any longer accept incoming messages.

Any ideas why?
