Casper Theme: Help, help with a buncha little things, you smart people you!

I like this Casper theme considerably, on my site ( but because no one can ever be satisfied with something free, I’m wondering if through code injection I could:

  • Change the header color to white, but leave the primary color red throughout the site (this would also require that the main navigation to be black instead of white, too
  • Get rid of the social links and subscribe button in the header
  • Remove the subscribe stuff in the page footer
  • On the homepage, move the author photo, byline, and dateline from the bottom of the post to between the headline and the first paragraph.

I know. I’m a pain in the backside. But if any of you smart people knows how to do any of this, I’d really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance,


I actually figured out a lot of what I was after. Weirdly much of it wasn’t that difficult. But if someone could still help me out with the last item on my list moving the author pic, byline and dateline up under the headline on the home page posts, I’d be deeply indebted.

Thanks in advance!


Hi there
I’d also like to remove the ‘subscribe’ button from the header bar in Casper - could you share your secret powers?!
Thanks in advance