Change in theme Dawn

I want to remove Login Icon from dawn front page theme , like Jose Walker - Dawn
Any help ?

I’m not sure what you want to remove. Can you share a screenshot or give more detail?

This one


Add the following code to Code Injection → Site Header:

  .cover-cta {
    display: none;

Thanks that worked like charm. Is there a way i can make that image little bigger ?

I have sorted out that by following similar post on forum. Thanks


how can i remove “sign in” logo from the theme ?

Can you share a screenshot of what you want to remove?

These ones.

Add the following code to the Code Injection header:

<style> {
    display: none;

thanks that worked and i just about to publish the site now.
One thing which i noticed that you can not provide multiple TAG’s to a post ?



It’s certainly possible, but it’d require you to modify your theme’s template code.

Thanks Ryan, I am not much of a coder but it would have been so good to have multiple tags for a post. Do you know what change i need to make any guidance much appreciated