so as you can see here
my tags are in alphabetical order
I would like to have the opposite
I see here it gives some insight on how I can make the change
all I should have to do now is figure out where in the theme code it’s referring to “asc” and change it to “desc”
I have been right-clicking and inspecting / command f-ing for an hour… can anyone point me in the right direction, please.
If you share the theme code that lists the tags, we can help you by suggesting changes
that’s the thing I have looked through the default.hbs idex and post.hbs and I dont see where tags are mentioned lol I’m slow
{{!< default}}
{{#contentFor “styles”}}
.owl .owl-prev:before {
content: "{{t 'Prev'}}";
.owl .owl-next:before {
content: "{{t 'Next'}}";
{{#get "tags" limit="all"}}
{{#foreach tags}}
{{#if feature_image}}
{{#if description}}
Do you see a reference to {{#get}}
anywhere? What theme are you using? Do you have any custom routes?
Hmm, try changing this line:
{{#get "tags" limit="all"}}
to this"
{{#get "tags" limit="all" order="name desc"}}
1 Like
so I’m gonna try this
{{!< default}}
{{#contentFor "styles"}}
.owl .owl-prev:before {
content: "{{t 'Prev'}}";
.owl .owl-next:before {
content: "{{t 'Next'}}";
<div class="content-area">
<main class="site-main kg-width-full">
{{#get "tags" limit="all" order="name desc"}}
<div class="tag-feed owl">
{{#foreach tags}}
<div class="tag u-placeholder">
{{#if feature_image}}
<img class="tag-image lazyload u-object-fit"
data-src="{{img_url feature_image}}"
<div class="tag-content">
<h2 class="tag-name">{{name}}</h2>
{{#if description}}<div class="tag-description">{{description}}</div>{{/if}}
<a class="u-permalink" href="{{url}}"></a>
MY MAN THANK YOU …pm me your cashapp or venmo so I can pay you for the help!
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Don’t worry about it, it was a simple fix!