Curating collaboratively (fisical) artifact collections

In the last few years my research was related to web publishing for scientific communication - and I came to realize that we did not have solutions for curating collections of fisical artifacts - outside the catalog models at retail and library automation systems.

So I ended up designing an architecture and developed some plugins to use WordPress to organize the whole library environment in a way that is geared towards an open participation architecture: open shelves, catalogs, and collections.

Open shelves:

Open Collections:

Open Curatories:

A project based on the field of human experience & design, in which the digital platform is thought to represent the relationship of people with books in the face-to-face environment. That is, we do not collaboratively produce journalistic content, we begin to collaboratively produce content integrating local social memory into a content management module specific to artifacts in the local collection.

What I am studying is taking the WordPress platform (and developing a solution of its own) or whether it would be feasible or if someone from the Ghost development community would be interested in developing a solution to integrate the content publishing format with a collection management solution on Ghost.

Because I would like to be able to continue to offer a content management platform that can integrate journalistic content, but also cultural content: books, art objects, etc. It would have an immense impact for the creation of small libraries and cultural centers.

I believe that it would be possible to think of interfaces that not only virtualize content, but also represent the organization of the face-to-face environment and human experience in environments - a technodipomatic between local and virtual - re-meaning human experience with digital technology.

My hope is to get some partnership outside of Brazil.

Sorry about my english. Thanks!