I have worked in recent years developing a collection curator methodology and have customized a page template in wordpress to represent a physical shelf.
That is, in order for a person to visit the bookshelf in a library, he could calmly finish browsing all the items in this bookcase using his cell phone:https://artecultura.inf.br/estantes-abertas/estante-aberta-01/
Each of the posts represents an artifact, which is organized into collections (tags) that filters a set of artifacts organized in a face-to-face environment: https://artecultura.inf.br/colecao/historia-do-cinema/
Environments such as libraries, museums, and even home collectors, do not have a concept of a web platform for navigation through interfaces - usually they use software that virtualizes their collections - not that they create a model of equivalence with the actual space.
What I’m looking for is partnering with some theme developer for Ghost, to recreate the model exclusively for Ghost - so you can use the publications, tags to create content for a new type of page template: shelf.
Not for use in large institutions, but because at this time I want to use Ghost as a platform for home users, they can share their collections and memories from their private shelves.
Because the ExtraLibris methodology is geared towards thinking about digital technologies based on local human experience, and how to use web interfaces not geared to the big data, but to the cultural variety of local memories.
I am an independent researcher in the area of memory and libraries in Brazil and the whole project was handmade using personal resources and if anyone has an interest in collaborating, just write an email to: caruso@extralibris.org
Thanks :)