Dawn theme dark mode hyperlink color too dark

I use Dawn theme with dark mode. Everything works fine until I added a hyperlink. The color is too dark and hard to read.

How can I adjust the hyperlink text color?

In Dawn, link color is set by your accent color.

Try updating your brand color to something that works well on light and dark mode. To change the color, go to SettingsDesignBrandAccent color.

Here’s a screenshot of the default set up for reference:

CleanShot 2022-10-13 at 18.02.13

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Thanks, it works!! I didn’t known the accent color relate to the hyperlink color.

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Awesome! Happy when it’s an easy fix :smile:

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Sir, in Casper I have my accent color to black. But I would like some link to be the standard blue and purple when visited. So I setup this:


  👉 <a class="custom-link" href="https://mywebsitelink.com" rel="nofollow" target=_blank">Click here to visit the link</a>.

Inject this css in the head

.custom-link {
  font-weight: bold;
  color: #0000EE;
  text-decoration: none;

.custom-link:visited {
  color: #551A8B;

But after doing this, the links are still black. Should I use the !important or is it too much? Is there another way to make custom link colors? Thank you very much in advance!

!important is a very useful hammer. This seems like a good place to use it. :slight_smile:

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