Drop down menus and Front Editing

How can we modify the casper theme to support drop down menus?

I know you can edit ghost pages and posts after you login to the ghost admin

Is there a plugin or app to edit it from the front end instead of going to the admin panel ? Some thing similar to medium ?

Hey there :wave:. There’s a few things you can do to gain control of your site navigation:

  • There’s the navigation editor: Custom Navigation, which can be found by going to Design in the Ghost Admin
  • You can edit the navigation yourself by downloading the theme at the bottom of the same Design section of the Ghost admin. We have documentation on how custom navigations are made: Ghost Handlebars Theme Helpers: navigation
  • You could also use the docs mentioned above in conjunction with existing dropdown navigation examples found online, such as this one I found on CodePen: https://codepen.io/taniarascia/pen/dYvvYv

The navigation editor in the admin gives you that user friendly control over site navigation, but theming gives you that full control. You just need to be aware that it’ll need a bit of coding knowledge :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hope this helps!

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This doesn’t seems to have the answer for his dropdown-menu in casper theme, Even i do have the same scenario of adding a dropdown on navbar

To go into this with more detail, you could extend upon the primary navigation with custom partials which contain additional nav items in the form of a dropdown. Dropdown navigations are complex structures which will be best managed with code partials in the theme. Check out our docs on partial usage for more info: