Fail to send email to 800 members

I imported 800 members successful, but when publishing a new post and send to free member (> 800 members), ghost failed to send.

Error as below.


No see Email logs on Mailgun and I surely config email setting correctly. Test email worked well, no issue.

Any idea to address this issue?

I debug with ghost log

NAME: UnhandledJobError
MESSAGE: Processed job threw an unhandled error

level: critical

"The email service was unable to send an email batch."
UnhandledJobError: Processed job threw an unhandled error
    at /home/user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/node_modules/@tryghost/job-manager/lib/job-manager.js:108:40
    at async JobManager.worker (/home/user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/node_modules/@tryghost/job-manager/lib/job-manager.js:12:22)

InternalServerError: The server has encountered an error.
    at new GhostError (/home/user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/node_modules/@tryghost/errors/lib/errors.js:10:26)
    at sendEmailJob (/home/user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/core/server/services/mega/mega.js:277:15)
    at async /user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/node_modules/@tryghost/job-manager/lib/job-manager.js:101:25
    at async JobManager.worker (/home/user/my_folder/public_html/versions/3.41.8/node_modules/@tryghost/job-manager/lib/job-manager.js:12:22)

Error: insert into `email_recipients` (`batch_id`, `email_id`, `id`, `member_email`, `member_id`, `member_name`, `member_uuid`) select '6036ee3b03b7b65cd8e71b61' as `batch_id`, '6036044d6e2bf391742eceae' as `email_id`, '6036ee3b03b7b65cd8e71b62' as `id`, '' as `member_email`, ...

SQlite3 is the issue?:face_with_monocle:

I’m getting exactly the same error. Test emails work fine. API key from mailgun is right. But when I publish a post and try send it to members I get the same error.

I change to mySQL and it fixed. SQLite3 seem be designed for Development😓



are there any news on this? We are facing this issue aswell and switching to mysql is not an option unfortunately…

Did you check if there is any limitation on your mailgun account?

For new mailgun accounts, there is a limit of 100 emails per hour.

Yes, I did check that. Our mailgun account is unlimited.