Failed Update to 2.23.4 on DigitalOcean Droplet

If you’re looking for some help, it’s important to provide as much context as possible so that people are able to assist you. Try to always mention:

  • What’s your URL? Enoma's Blog
  • What version of Ghost are you using? Previously 2.9.1
  • What configuration? I’m not sure what that’s asking
  • What browser? Firefox
  • What errors or information do you see in the console?

` ghost update --rollback
+ sudo systemctl is-active ghost_enoma-co
:heavy_check_mark: Checking system Node.js version
:heavy_check_mark: Ensuring user is not logged in as ghost user
:heavy_check_mark: Checking if logged in user is directory owner
:heavy_check_mark: Checking current folder permissions
:heavy_check_mark: Checking folder permissions
:heavy_check_mark: Checking file permissions
:heavy_check_mark: Checking memory availability
:heavy_check_mark: Checking for available migrations
:heavy_check_mark: Checking for latest Ghost version
:information_source: Downloading and updating Ghost [skipped]
:heavy_multiplication_x: Rolling back database migrations
A GhostError occurred. ’

Message: The database migration in Ghost encountered an error.
Suggestion: ghost update --rollback'

Debug Information:
    OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
    Node Version: v8.10.0
    Ghost-CLI Version: 1.11.0
    Environment: production
    Command: 'ghost update --rollback'

Additional log info available in: /home/USER/.ghost/logs/ghost-cli-debug-2019-06-17T04_47_06_571Z.log

Try running ghost doctor to check your system for known issues.
  • What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having?
    I’m at wits end here. There were some posts I hadn’t backed up yet :scream:
  • The log in my home folder shows the list of errors I’ve encountered with this upgrade attempt.
  • First, the issue was that my user didn’t have the permissions to upgrade. The owner of all the files in my ghost folder was ghost-mgr, I changed the folder and later all the files in it to my non-root user and attempted to upgrade

Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
Node Version: v8.10.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.11.0
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost restart’
Message: connect ECONNREFUSED
Help: Unknown database error
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_enoma-co -n 50
Stack: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at Server.server.close (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/utils/port-polling.js:38:28)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:313:30)
at emitNone (events.js:106:13)
at Server.emit (events.js:208:7)
at emitCloseNT (net.js:1671:8)
at _combinedTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:135:11)
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:180:9)

The journal was empty so I attempted a rollback and got this:

          Debug Information:
        OS: Ubuntu, v18.04
        Node Version: v8.10.0
        Ghost-CLI Version: 1.11.0
        Environment: production
        Command: 'ghost update --rollback'
    Message: The database migration in Ghost encountered an error.
    Suggestion: ghost update --rollback
    Stack: Error: The database migration in Ghost encountered an error.
        at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/ghost-cli/lib/tasks/migrator.js:41:21
        at <anonymous>
        at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) 

And now I’m stuck. I can’t rollback and I can’t force the update.
I’m tempted to completely delete the directory and start again but I was frivolous and didn’t backup my posts. If anyone knows of a folder/where the sqlite db is hiding as a last resort - would be appreciated as well.

Your SQLite database is wherever you installed ghost using the Ghost-CLI. All you need to do is find that database, it will contain all of your posts. From your logs though, it looks like SQLite is not the configured database, but you’re using MySQL instead. SQLite is file based so there would be no reason to open port 3306. Make sure that MySQL is running first, because it could be all your data is living there. Looking at your site though it looks like you’ve got it figured out, but for anyone in the future experiencing that issue I would say thats the cause. Can’t migrate a database you can’t connect to!



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