Feature image placement in RSS feed is off

Issue Summary

  • When you use the HTML card at the beginning of a post, in the RSS feed, the feature image for the post is not at the top, but somewhere in the middle.
  • What did you expect to happen? The feature image should be at the top of the post in the RSS feed.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a post with a feature image.
  2. Use an HTML card and wrap some text in a
  3. View the post through an RSS reader.

Setup information

Ghost Version

Node.js Version

How did you install Ghost?
Digital Ocean wizard.

Provide details of your host & operating system
Digital Ocean, Ubuntu image (22.04.4)

Database type

1 Like

What feed reader are you using?

Can you share the exact html you are using?

I’m using Reeder for Mac/iOS.

Sure, here is the first paragraph from my latest post:

<div class="u-drop-cap--line">
Some of my fondest memories are of times at the Disney World theme parks. In fact, some of the first memories I've retained are from my first trip to those parks. I was four, and sitting in between my parents in a car on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, filled with a mixture of excitement, fear and familial comfort. I remember the thrill of going on Space Mountain over and over again later at night as a teenager, the unfettered access to the ride that was so elusive earlier in the day becoming manifest. I can’t forget the luxurious dining experiences my wife and I had on our honeymoon, the kind of which we continue to talk and joke about. I still get a twinge of panic when I think about buying several Lego Star Wars sets and then almost feeling them slip out from underneath my legs on the lurching, fast-paced Aerosmith Rock ’n’ Roller Coaster.

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