When I visit my homepage, the first post of all (the oldest one) won’t resize to a normal size “card”, instead making it full width cutting the featured image.
On the homepage, the first and every 6th post has the .post-card-large class which forces a full-width, slightly different design.
In-between the large posts on the homepage, or for all posts on a non-homepage index, each post will fill the available space up to maximum of 3 in a row if you have a wide enough screen.
You can see this in action on the demo site: Homepage index - shows the first and every 6th post having “large” styling Tag index - shows every post taking up the available space, note the last post in the index is full width
I thought that the last post on the Homepage would be similiar to first one, that is a full sized image with the excerpt on its side.
No, that’s not how Casper’s homepage design works. If you add two more posts then the last post showing on the page will look like the first one as it will be one of the “every 6” posts.