From address in configuration is being ignored by Ghost

Issue Summary
According to the Ghost configuration documentation (Configuration - Adapt your publication to suit your needs) a user should be able to set a Mail From address by using the following setting

"mail": {
    "from": "",

However, myself and others have found that that this setting is being ignore. Issue was also documented in the following post but is now locked Configured "from" address is ignored when sending mail - #2

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install Ghost via docker on a server an set it to be hosted on a subdomain such as blog.domain.tld
  2. Configure Mail From address per configuration documentation mention above
  3. Preform an activity that results in a transactional email being generated such as account signup or magic link
  4. Observe the email address for which the email is sent by reviewing the received email.

Setup information

Version: 5.75.0

Environment: production

Database: mysql8

Mail: SMTP

Docker Compose Setup:

    image: mysql
    restart: always
      - ghost_db:/var/lib/mysql
      - backend
    container_name: ghost
    image: ghost
    hostname: ghost
    restart: always
#    ports:
      - 8080:2368
      - db
      - ghost_data:/var/lib/ghost/content
      # see
      database__client: mysql
      database__connection__host: db
      database__connection__user: root
      database__connection__password: "${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}"
      database__connection__database: ghost
      # email infomration
      mail__transport: SMTP
      mail__from: "${EMAIL_ADDRESS}"
      mail__options__host: "${EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER}"
      mail__options__port: "${EMAIL_SMTP_PORT}"
      mail__options__auth__user: "${EMAIL_USER}"
      mail__options__auth__pass: "${EMAIL_PASSWORD}"
      # this url value is just an example, and is likely wrong for your environment!
      url: "${GHOST_URL}"
      # contrary to the default mentioned in the linked documentation, this image defaults to NODE_ENV=production (so development mode needs to be explicitly specified if desired)
      #NODE_ENV: development
      - backend

    name: ghost_backend
    internal: true

Relevant log / error output
See email generated from system which will show it was from noreply@blog.domain.tld regardless of the Mail From setting.

These are member-related emails, they will use the support email address configured in Settings > Members > Portal > Account page.

Non-member related emails such as Staff User invites will use the fallback from address set via config.

Thanks Kevin. Changing the Support Address did change the magic link address.

I guess I was misinterpreting the words on the Configuration site Configuration - Adapt your publication to suit your needs. When I was reading it I was under the impression that this would override the noreply@ghost-install-domain.tld which is the default. At my email delivery provider I whitelisted the email address I was setting in the configuration file and the emails from noreply address were getting blocked.

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