Well I tried to install node 10.15 without success, I noticed after that ghost does not support it. I installed version 8.16 but nothing, not even with 8.6.
× Starting Ghost
A GhostError occurred.
Message: Ghost process exited with code: 0
Debug Information:
OS: Microsoft Windows, v10.0.17134
Node Version: vX.X.X
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: development
Command: 'ghost start'
The only one that works is version 6.x, ghost starts correctly. But so I do not solve the gatsby mistake
Debug Information:
OS: Microsoft Windows, v10.0.17134
Node Version: v8.15.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.9.9
Environment: development
Command: 'ghost start'
Message: Ghost process exited with code: 0
Stack: Error: Ghost process exited with code: 0
at ChildProcess.cp.on (C:\Users\****\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\ghost-cli\lib\utils\local-process.js:56:24)
at emitTwo (events.js:126:13)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:214:7)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:198:12)
ghost doctor
Found a development config but not a production config, running in development mode instead
√ Checking system Node.js version
√ Checking current folder permissions
√ Validating config
√ Checking memory availability