I created a “tags” page in ghost and using code injection, injected a little bit of code so that all tags created would be listed on that page as links.
Because of a known issue Include codeinjection for site and posts · Issue #22 · TryGhost/gatsby-starter-ghost · GitHub when you build the site with gatsby the script I injected doesn’t work and the page is blank.
I would like to modify that page in gatsby so it works correctly. Since the content of the page comes from ghost all I could find is the page in graphQL.
query MyQuery {
allGhostPage {
nodes {
Can I just modify it? I searched but all I could find was this https://spectrum.chat/gatsby-js/general/executing-apollo-mutations-when-creating-pages~9d9669b4-8a3a-472c-90f9-f731cefa37e6
Is there a better way to be doing this?