Really basic question about a site layout and data

I’m building a site in Gatsby and I’m still a bit confused on how to get data to the site from Ghost. When using a WP and themes there are multiple places to input data, but in Ghost only posts and pages.

If I want to use a fancy template, where do I put the text and other content?

Like for example theme like this; in WP I probably would edit the contect live on the page.

Ghost is a publishing platform, so you’re kind of limited to posts and pages. If you need a little bit of advanced styling or formatting, you can use internal tags to tell your renderer (SSG or Handlebars) how to vary the output. If you want to add something custom like a contact page, it’s probably easier to just use a non-ghost type for that one-off resource.

For example, you might pull a bunch of posts from Ghost, create a contact form using Netlify Functions, and create some interactive data visualization pages using D3. Since you’re using Gatsby, you have the ability to do all three of these separately.

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Thank you for your reply. I have seen for example about us/authors pages made in Ghost also, how are these made? Are “Authors” a custom post tag? Like here:

Ghost includes Authors by default, so they’re just rendering the Author’s list. You should be able to do the same with Gatsby :slight_smile:

Since Ghost supports pages, you can definitely create one in your installation and it should show up in your Gatsby output

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