Getting started issues

Hi there.

I’m new to Ghost and this is my first post on this forum. I really like the Ghost platform and I started using a trial version of the Ghost Pro solution. I do apologise for my long post, but I just have a lot of questions being a newbie here.

I purchased a theme called Athena on the Envato Marketplace. This is the Envato link to the template:

The blog I’m creating is about Product Management, where I’d like to share my experiences with the world. Here’s the temporary link to my blog:
There’s no real content yet, I’ve just been playing with the settings to see how everything works. Whilst doing this, I ran into some things I’d like to change:

  • I would like to change the footer for all pages of the blog, for instance I’d like to add company data there and maybe some links to pages like a disclaimer.
    ○ Also, although I like Ghost so far, I’d like to remove the “published with Ghost” message (sorry Ghost people).
    Anyone who can tell me where I can edit this info?

  • The pinkish red needs to be the primary color.
    If you open the navigation pane on the left, you’ll notice a color picker at the bottom of the menu bar. This came with the template and I quite like the feature. However, the default color of the theme is orange. I’d like it to be the pinkish-red that is in the color picker instead. The orange can stay in the color picker as one of the options though.
    Any ideas on where to change this? I’m guessing this cannot be done in the admin panel and I would have to look in the code of the theme?

  • How do I use another category (instead of Getting Started) for the top four items on the page? Changing the Getting Started name breaks the layout. Is this hardcoded in the theme? Any tips on how to change this?

  • Can the P. in the upper left corner be replaced by a logo?
    The theme displayed an A. when I purchased it, but after changing the name of my blog into Product Vikings, it became a P. automatically. I was wondering if there’s an option in the admin panel where I can upload a square-shaped logo and replace the P. with the logo?

  • Under “Navigation - Tags” I’d like to see a list of all tags, including their tag image and description.
    The tags page does not display any tags, it just has one tag preselected and shows all posts made under that tag. I saw other themes nicely listing all tags on a tag overview page. Anything I can activate to get this to work?

  • Under “Navigation - Authors” I want to show a list of all authors, including their picture and short intro text.
    Now an error is shown because I removed all articles linked to the Ghost author. This was the only author that was shown on that page. It should be possible to list all authors, I saw other themes with a page like that. I just can’t find where to activate that feature. Or is it hardcoded in the theme again?

  • The search feature doesn’t work.
    The theme came with a search feature, which I like. However, it does not seem to do anything. Do I need to change something in the code, or activate some tick-box somewhere to get this working?

  • Social interaction
    I’d like to add social sharing icons / options for each post, and add the possibility to leave comments and have discussions with a tool like Disqus or something similar.

  • Newsletter
    When entering and submitting an e-mail address in the Subscribe box, I receive a message that my e-mail address was registered, but I can’t find any mailinglist features in the admin panel? Is this box just there as an example and do I need to add a tool like Mailchimp to get this to work?

Thanks for your help.


Hi there! If you’re having any issue with a Ghost(Pro) site, please drop us an email on and we’ll be more than happy to give you a hand directly :slight_smile: