Advice on Theme Identification

Hi there - very new to Ghost. Spoke briefly with the ever helpful @uri about the theme he used for the great - anyone have an idea where I can find the same or similar theme to purchase/customize? I like the overlapping design elements used on and cannot find anything similar anywhere else in the theme stores etc., on the web.

Hey @Amagest :wave:

Based on what you’re saying, it’s highly probable that they wrote their own theme. If you want something similar, you would need to take an existing theme (either through a marketplace, Github, or the starter) and apply customizations on top of it to make it look how you want

Ah ok thanks. Not tech savvy enough to mess around with coding things, but could hire someone freelance to design a theme for my needs - but doesn’t seem like there are people who do this kind of work (like Wordpress?).

If I’m mistaken, please reply with samples of work and I’d be happy to consider. Thanks all!