Ghost-CLI DB migration need ghost installation

I’ve set up my ghost installation using a container running on Kubernetes. It’s been running well in staging but I get an error when I tried to do a manual MySQL table setup using Ghost-CLI. The idea is to first set up the database and tables before deploying ghost into a pod. I know when ghost first runs, it will doing migration first and that is the thing that I want to do manually.

I’ve installed Ghost-CLI from the docs using in my local machine and tried to run ghost config but it failed.

Working directory is not a recognisable Ghost installation.
Run ghost config again within a folder where Ghost was installed with Ghost-CLI.

I’ve also tried running ghost setup migrate --db mysql --dbhost x.x.x.x --dbuser ghost --dbpass xxxx --dbname ghost_staging but got the same error before. Anyone know how to do database migration without the need to install ghost locally?