How do I migrate MySQL database from Ghost 2 to Ghost 3

I have an active Ghost 2.22.0 setup running. Now I need to migrate ghost_production database to the new setup of the Ghost 3.3.0. I use the same version 5.7.28 of MySQL on both environments. Is there a recommended approach to do that? Can I maybe use ghost-cli for that or do I need to copy/paste the data manually? If so, I’m wondering if there have been any changes to the scheme? Thanks in advance!

@maxkoretskyi Ghost handles database migrations during startup. Make a backup of your database, then configure your Ghost 3.3.0 instance to point at the same database and it will be upgraded automatically.

If you’re using ghost-cli then you don’t need to worry about having multiple instances and things, it works like a normal 2.x->2.x upgrade.

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Thanks, @Kevin, could you please elaborate? I didn’t quite understand what I need to do. Particularly this part

then configure your Ghost 3.3.0 instance to point at the same database

I have two different servers with each having its own Ghost setup. I can do a backup of the database from Ghost 2.22.0 and restore it to the database that Ghost 3.3.0 uses. Are you saying that I should follow that process and then simply specify this restored database from 2.22 in the config.development.json file of the Ghost 3.3.0 setup? Just did that, seems to have worked.

If you’re using ghost-cli then you don’t need to worry about having multiple instances and things, it works like a normal 2.x->2.x upgrade.

I do use ghost-cli, but I don’t understand how to use in my case to help with only database migration.