Ghost install failed

this is the log

Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v22.04.2 LTS
Node Version: v16.20.0
Ghost Version: 5.49.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.24.0
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost install’

This part seems relevant: Timeout during connect (likely firewall problem).

Let’s Encrypt (used for SSL certificates) is trying to verify your domain. For that, the installation script is putting a file into a specific directory, which needs to be publicly reachable at the URL in the logs: llenge/D4ITpRsNC6DZd9l6dyNlL0QYpfPRby4YaGL7pODaIjs

I have just tried to reach that URL, but couldn’t. Either your domain isn’t resolving to the correct server, or your server isn’t allowing connections.

So, check your DNS settings on your domain and the firewall/security settings on your server :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the fix.

I shall try it and let you know.