Ghost on Digital Ocean - Do you use Cloudflare?

Yes / No / Thoughts?

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I just moved from Pro to a self-hosted DigitalOcean droplet and use Cloudflare. Pro uses CF enterprise, but the management is abstracted away from the customer. The main reason I switched was so I could use Cloudflare Workers.

Can you explain what that means? Is it like using netlify to host a static version of your site or am I way off?

I don’t know anything about Netlify, so I can’t comment on that.

I host on DigitalOcean using their marketplace Ghost droplet. Cloudflare sits in front and provides some additional security.

Cloudflare Workers allows you to run JavaScript at their edge (between your host and the browser), so I can, amongst other things, set various security headers (even on domains where I don’t have access to the hosting server).

Ghost(Pro) also runs on DigitalOcean and they use Cloudflare’s enterprise product, but as a Ghost(Pro) user, you don’t have access to play with the buttons and dials as the Ghost team handle all of that stuff for you.

There’s a heap of static site generator tools that can tie in with the different parts of Ghost, if you don’t mind getting your hands dirty. There’s more details on the Ghost blog and Docs.

I hope that makes a bit more sense @bershatsky! :blush:

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It does. Thanks!

I’ve already got a static ghost site using eleventy and netlify. I’m trying to decide if I want to go that way, or using a regular ghost installation. There’s benefits to both.

I also self host Ghost on a DO droplet and use Cloudflare free in front of it all. No issues so far.


Cloudflare all the way!

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You can do this at the proxy level. In my case, I use Traefik to set security headers. They even can be customised by domains :) .

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Looks good!

I use Cloudflare with Ghost because Cloudflare obfuscates email addresses, which means I can have email addresses on my website and not have to worry about bots scraping and spamming them.

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This is generally true, but I use Ghost(Pro), with my own Cloudflare setup, and custom worker implementation as per my blog at Using Cloudflare Workers HTMLRewriter to extend Ghost(Pro). You essentially have to use Cloudflare Workers as a proxy for your subdomain, but it works really well, and you get control over your domain again, without self-hosting.