For example, I have a few sites hosted in separate $5/month droplets on Digital Ocean (using their 1-click app process which is fantastic and so quick to set up). I’m using Route 53 at AWS for DNS and Formspree for contact forms, and I plan to use Discourse for a forum (has SSO with Discourse been integrated yet? I saw a while back that it was on the roadmap) hosted on a separate droplet for the sake of simplicity and in case I screw something up trying to put Ghost and Discourse on the same server.
I’m interested to know what other tools people are using to improve the performance or security of their websites. Does anybody have suggestions or recommendations? I’ve heard people mention Nginx and Cloudfare, for example. How are people using those and is it worth going the extra mile to set that up?
I also host 3 other Ghost sites and a couple of other PHP sites (WordPress and Processwire) on the same instance. I had signed up to a committed use contract with Google. It works out to about $22 CDN per month.
I manage the server (Ubuntu updates, Apache directives, log rotations, backups, etc.) with Webmin.
I had tried using the free-tier service offering by Cloudflare but hadn’t noticed any significant service improvement. Also, I prefer keeping my own Let’s Encrypt SSL website certificate.
Ubuntu on Digital ocean VPS with NGINX
Cloudflare as proxy and CDN
Tailwind CSS in templates.
Cloudflare workers for contact form handling. for emails handling as analytics solution