Ghost Subscribe Overlay Casper Theme (not closing)

I noticed recently that I cannot close the subscription overlay once open unless I zoom the browser out to 90% or click at the very bottom of the page, pretty sure it was working so something has changed. I am using Ghost version: 3.4.0 with the Casper theme.

I have tried installing and activating a clean instance of Casper theme, restarted Ghost, cleared Yarn cache, tried different browsers. Still does it. Any ideas would really be appreciated.

Hey @glens, I don’t suppose you can provide a screenshot of what is happening? Thanks

Hi David, thanks for your assistance. I have attached an image of the overlay to subscribe.

When I test the demo site it works fine. You may want to try my url at and see if you experience the same issue. On the nav bar just hit the subscribe button and then try and close the subscribe popup.

Just tested it on your site and it seems to work fine for me :confused:

Hi David thank you for the feedback. I shut down the server and restarted and seemed to clear whatever was causing the issue. Thanks again for your input and really enjoying Ghost :grinning: … It is blazing fast and really nice to work with. I usually use Wagtail for my blogs, so Ghost saves me a ton of code time.

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This is great to hear @glens, thanks for sharing!