Ghost upgrade error v3.41.3 to v3.42.0 - ghost-storage-cloudinary

I’m trying to upgrade from v3.41.3 to v3.42.0

After running the update I’m getting the following error. Looks like the required location of ghost-storage-cloudinary changed possibly? This folder /var/www/ghost/content/adapters/ does not exist in my installation. This is a digitalocean installation from their marketplace that auto launches the application. Before taking action I wanted to request support. Should I run the suggested command?

journalctl -u ghost_r3crypto-com -n 50

:heavy_check_mark: Fetched release notes
:heavy_check_mark: Downloading and updating Ghost to v3.42.0

  • sudo systemctl stop ghost_r3crypto-com
    :heavy_check_mark: Stopping Ghost
    :heavy_check_mark: Linking latest Ghost and recording versions
  • sudo systemctl start ghost_r3crypto-com
  • sudo systemctl stop ghost_r3crypto-com
    :heavy_multiplication_x: Restarting Ghost
    A GhostError occurred.

Message: Unable to find storage adapter ghost-storage-cloudinary in ,/var/www/ghost/content/adapters/,/var/www/ghost/versions/3.42.0/core/server/adapters/.
Suggestion: journalctl -u ghost_r3crypto-com -n 50

Debug Information:
OS: Ubuntu, v18.04.4 LTS
Node Version: v12.21.0
Ghost Version: 3.41.3
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.16.0
Environment: production
Command: ‘ghost update’

I ran this command to cp ghost-storage-cloudinary to the new installation directory and things seem to be working correctly. Should I assume that installed plugins do not “migrate” with future upgrades?

$ cp -R /var/www/ghost/versions/3.41.3/core/server/adapters/storage/ghost-storage-cloudinary /var/www/ghost/versions/3.42.0/core/server/adapters/storage/