If you’re looking for some help, it’s important to provide as much context as possible so that people are able to assist you. Try to always mention:
- What’s your URL? This is the easiest way for others to debug your issue
- What version of Ghost are you using?
- What configuration?
- What browser?
- What errors or information do you see in the console?
- What steps could someone else take to reproduce the issue you’re having?
My Answer :
- URL = Blog SBKDigital
- Ghost v5.105.0
- Ghost installation on cpanel.
- Google Chrome
- The error when installing CMS Ghost on CPanel is only stuck in the process of downloading and installing dependencies.
- please give me a solution to overcome the problem I am experiencing.
Does anyone experience the same problem as me?
during the ghost installation process on my hosting which uses cpanel. just stuck in the process of downloading and installing the dependency.
At first I thought this was normal. but I’ve been waiting for almost 1 hour, this process hasn’t finished and just stops there.
What went wrong in my installation process? and what is the right way to handle this problem that I am experiencing?
Thank You.
bash command that I run :
npm install ghost-cli@latest -g
rm -rf *
ghost install local
System specifications that I use:
- Node.js v20.x
- Npm v10.x
- on Cpanel
Hey @blackowl, not too many posts on the forum on installing Ghost from within cPanel, but I wonder if this might help you: Smarative | How to Install Ghost from CPanel shared hosting
It looks like that author is using a different application startup file, and there are some other differences too.
Aside: Since a local install puts the whole database within the content folder, you’re going to want to make sure that your application root isn’t being served. (I’m used to seeing public_html used to hold files that are going to be served by Apache, so you might want to triple check that you don’t have your whole Ghost install within a folder that’s accessible to the internet…)
Hi @Cathy_Sarisky
Thank you for sharing information and tutorial articles to me.
Great article, I read it till the end and followed the steps.
But, unfortunately your article reference has not solved my problem.
The problem that occurred was during installation, when I was downloading and the installation package just stuck without showing any response and there was no information about the problem.
Do you have other reference articles about “how to install Ghost CMS” or how to solve the problems currently occurring on my CPanel shared hosting?
Thank you.
Some googling might yield some additional options. 
You make me laugh in the morning (GMT+7).
your answer was really beyond my expectations.

but, thank you cathy.
Sorry! I thought it was slightly better than silence, because I don’t have anything else to offer you.
Community support = you get what you pay for? 
I don’t know anything about cpanel, but in the past I found that on a small virtual machine with 1GB memory the installer would run out of memory and hang.
In case this is the problem, you might try disabling the mysql performance schema as this frees up some memory.
To do this you need to add this property to my.cnf
performance_schema = 0
I don’t know where this file is located in your distribution - its in /etc/mysql/my.cnf
on ubuntu.
you are not wrong @Cathy_Sarisky
no need to apologize for anything.
it’s just that your answer made me laugh happily and refreshed my mind.
happy to learn with you and thank you for the very good article references and your quick response to my problem.
Have a nice day😉
1 Like
Hi @NickAbs
Yes, I have found the cause of my problem.
The problem that occurred was caused by the cpanel side, where when performing the installation it was constrained by the limited number of processes on the server.
Even though I was already using a business package to support my website’s performance, I finally contacted the hosting provider to make repairs and they suggested upgrading the package.
But, is it worth it for a GHOST CMS that I want to use as a blog site, requiring huge server resources and spending a lot of money?
That is still my question and consideration.
Thanks for you information nick,
Have a nice day.
I have tried to install and run Ghost using CPanel in the past and ended up with similar findings that you’ve done @blackowl . If Ghost is the only thing you’re planning to host, I suggest that you find yourself a proper Ghost hosting provider. My favourites are Ghost (Pro) and Magic Pages.
It doesn’t require huge server resources - it runs fine on a 1gb server with a single core. The installer is more resource intensive than the ghost server, and depending what resource limitations are applied by your hosting provider, can hang when running on small virtual servers, as you just found out.
hi @EchonCique @NickAbs
That’s right, in the end I decided to separate the root domain of the website www.sbkdigital.id which is on the current hosting and for blog.sbkdigital.id which is on the digitalocean virtual server.
because the provider stated that the resources provided for my package were insufficient to run simultaneously with CMS Ghost.
Problem solved for me now.
Thank you for all the knowledge friends.