UPDATE: GFYCAT embeds seem to work relatively seamlessly but I am still wondering if there is some native support that I’m missing.
Is there a method of getting these to embed and play naturally? GIFS work but they are notoriously massive.
For example: The two gifs I would like to display on my Ghost instance are 62mb and 128mb in standard GIF format whereas WEBM/GIFV are around 7mb. I can host them elsewhere (e.g. Imgur, which I have done) embed, but they do not properly play. It’s simply a box with the imgur share options and the first frame of the GIF.
Embedding them in the raw format DOES work, however having 200mb of images auto-load for a blog post is something I would like to avoid.
Has anyone figured out a way to do this, and if so, what am I missing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you very much!