Handling User Permissions in NextJS

I am using Ghost as a headless CMS and I am building a custom front-end with the NextJS framework. The guide was helpful in serving my content on a custom front-end.

The next step is to show content based on user status (paid vs free). Right now the premium (aka paid) content is showing on the front-end to anyone who visits the site. Are there any guides or code examples of how to implement the Ghost Admin API, so that I can “secure” the premium (paid) content and only serve it to premium (paying) members?

FYI - I am using Ghost(Pro) to “host” my content…

Found a similar question as mine on the forum here

Above I said:

Right now the premium (aka paid) content is showing on the front-end to anyone who visits the site.

I realize now that this is not true. When publishing a post if I set the “Post Access” to Paid Member Only then on the NextJS frontend only the title of the post is displayed but none of the content. So, the content is secured - which is half of what I want. Now I need to “unlock” the content when a user signs-in on my site. The link in my second post (above), is so far, the only guide I have found on how to do this. It was written for Ghost v3 (currently I am on Ghost v5.1.1).

I think that it is kind of strange that Ghost has such great docs on how to launch a site on many different Jamstack frameworks but none on going further with their API’s. As I am reading more into this it is quite apparent that they (Ghost) have put A LOT of work into them…