Help translate Ghost (beta)

Newsletter i18n is coming in the next Ghost release. Translators, newsletter.json is available in Github now, so feel free to hop in whenever you like!

A quick note on a few tricky bits:
"You are receiving this because you are a <strong>%%{status}%% subscriber</strong> to {site}.": "",
site = your site name
status = free/complimentary/paid/trialing.

The strings for free, complimentary, paid, and trialing are also in the file, so these strings work together.

Your translations should retain the {site} and %%{status}%% markup.

Dates will be translated. The {date} string will become your language’s method of showing dates, including articles if required. (So for French, 13 October 2024) becomes le 13 octobre 2024.) It should ‘just work’, but please holler if it isn’t.

Note to @bastien - I produced what’s at best mediocre French for testing purposes. Fixes would be much appreciated.

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