I’m trying to disconnect Stripe but it shows -
I have one (test) paying subscriber that I created, but when I went to delete it, it says “Resource not found error, cannot delete member. Resource could not be found.” -
For reference, I have deleted the stripe test data and customer from stripe dashboard.
So now I’m unable to disconnect Stripe from Ghost admin because it says there are members with active subscription, and I cannot delete member because it says resource not found.
How do I delete this member ?
Please help.
Hosting on Digital ocean.
Ghost version 3.23.1
Site: minis.report
Similar issues without solution on the forum and github-
opened 07:42PM - 29 Jan 20 UTC
closed 02:01PM - 24 Jul 20 UTC
server / core
A test user whose associated stripe test customer has been deleted can… not be deleted.
Steps to reproduce:
1. sign up on your ghost site.
2. subscribe to any membership using stripe test API keys.
3. go to the /ghost admin endpoint and select members.
4. select that member and then select their stripe customer.
5. delete the customer on stripe.
6. click on delete member on ghost admin.
Expected result: admins should be able to delete members regardless of Stripe membership.
Actual result: on version 3.3.0 I used to get 500 and that "message" can't be undefined.
On 3.4.0 which I updated to since it included a crucial fix to Lyra, I simply get 404.
I would appreciate a fix to this as I'm on the cusp of importing my entire email list to the site as subscribers.
I'm on ubuntu, self-hosting on AWS. Let me know if you need any more information and I'll include what I can.
I’m unable to delete a member from the Members tab in Ghost admin. It was just a test member.
Resource not found error, cannot delete member. Resource could not be found.
You’ll need to connect to your database and delete the member manually.
There is a known bug at the moment which means it’s not possible to delete a member from Ghost if it was deleted from Stripe first.
How do I do that? Can you please help me with a resource to help me do that I’m a newbie sorry
July 10, 2020, 10:32am
You would need to connect to your database and assuming you know the email of the user:
DELETE FROM members WHERE email = "user@example.com";
You should refer to the documentation for your particular database for how to connect and execute queries.
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Sorry for quoting 3 years later but it’s fully related
Can I just empty the table in order to upload a CSV file that production didn’t recognize but’s working on another dev instance?
It seems that CSV import only works with Mac encoding (not UTF8 for example).