Since switching my newsletter over to Ghost, I’ve got three types of posts I send.
Blog only.
Blog posts I also send to subscribers
Email only posts
What I want to do is collect the posts I send out only as emails (3) under a tag, so that prospective subscribers can peruse through past issues, but not have those show up on the homepage or really under posts at all.
Based on this guide, it seems like I should be able to do this by adjusting my routes.yaml file. I added the part after the comma next to “filter” and updated it to this:
What I expected was the ability to tag posts as “newsletter, #newsletter,” and have them not show up on the home page but on the tag page for “newsletter,” which I could then link to. I haven’t sent a new one out since trying to set this up, but I did make a test post with those two tags, and while it did show up under the newsletter tag, it also showed up on my homepage.
Am I doing something wrong here? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks @RyanF! That made it so the posts don’t show up on the homepage, but do under the “newsletter” tag. However when I click on the post or go to the URL it should be at, it sends me to a 404. Same if I click the “View Post” link in the sidebar of the post.
Yep. YAML is whitespace sensitive, which means missing spaces is gonna break stuff. Under /newsletters/, you need to have two spaces before permalink, etc. It needs to be indented.