How can I change the blog logo URL

Can’t seem to find where I can change the blog logo URL.
Any help?

This is my blog: GYRA+ Blog
Using Ghost version 3.4.0

Blog logo URL link: GYRA+ Blog
Desired URL:

Hey @echeung - good question. I am also looking for a way to change the href link of the logo. Did you happen to figure it out yet?

Unfortunately, not yet

I got it. You need to edit partials/header.hbs

In my theme header file, I replaced “@site.url” with my hard coded URL, and it looks like this:

          <div class='o-grid__col o-grid__col--3-4-s o-grid__col--1-3-l'>
        <div class='c-logo'>
          {{#if @site.logo}}
            <a href='https://MYSITE.COM'>
              <img class='c-logo__img' src='{{ @site.logo }}' alt='{{ @site.title }}'>
            <a class='c-logo__link' href='https://MYSITE.COM'>{{ @site.title }}</a>


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Thanks a lot!
I will send this to my tech squad.