Hi guys, how can I add a pinterest icon & link next to the existing Twitter icon on Casper 3 top sticky bar? Many thanks in advance!
Hey there . The best way to do that is to add the following code to your theme:
<a class="social-link social-link-fb" href="https://LINKGOES.HERE" title="Facebook" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
<svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><title>Pinterest icon</title><path d="M12.017 0C5.396 0 .029 5.367.029 11.987c0 5.079 3.158 9.417 7.618 11.162-.105-.949-.199-2.403.041-3.439.219-.937 1.406-5.957 1.406-5.957s-.359-.72-.359-1.781c0-1.663.967-2.911 2.168-2.911 1.024 0 1.518.769 1.518 1.688 0 1.029-.653 2.567-.992 3.992-.285 1.193.6 2.165 1.775 2.165 2.128 0 3.768-2.245 3.768-5.487 0-2.861-2.063-4.869-5.008-4.869-3.41 0-5.409 2.562-5.409 5.199 0 1.033.394 2.143.889 2.741. 1.199-.334 1.363-.053.225-.172.271-.401.165-1.495-.69-2.433-2.878-2.433-4.646 0-3.776 2.748-7.252 7.92-7.252 4.158 0 7.392 2.967 7.392 6.923 0 4.135-2.607 7.462-6.233 7.462-1.214 0-2.354-.629-2.758-1.379l-.749 2.848c-.269 1.045-1.004 2.352-1.498 3.146 1.123.345 2.306.535 3.55.535 6.607 0 11.985-5.365 11.985-11.987C23.97 5.39 18.592.026 11.985.026L12.017 0z"/></svg>
The SVG code is quite long, but it’s better than linking to an external asset and it keeps the load time down.
In Casper you can add it into the site-nav.hbs
file after line 24 which will place it just after the Twitter icon:
Finally you need to change the link to the Pinterest account you want to link to.
Hope this helps! Any questions just ask
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@DavidDarnes It’s beautiful, thank u so much @DavidDarnes!
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