How to build local docker image of Ghost?

I am trying to solve a issue where i need to build the ghost image. Is there any way i can achieve that?

What exactly is the issue you are facing?

We have a bug fix for the issue, Type error within hash function during setting up Ā· Issue #16918 Ā· TryGhost/Ghost Ā· GitHub and to test it locally we need to build the docker image locally. Wanted to know if there is a way to achieve this?

This is the current Dockerfile (5.71.0).

You can build the docker image locally by duplicating and editing it.

Hereā€™s how Iā€™d do it:

  1. Build your local fix with yarn archive: Ghost Docs
  2. Edit the Dockerfile to copy the local .tar archive to the build filesystem
  3. Edit line 55 to use the local archive rather than a downloaded remote version. You can use the --archive flag for that, which is mentioned here under ā€œOptionsā€.
  4. Run the docker image.
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I am getting the following error while running the build command

Debug Information:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v11
Node Version: v18.18.2
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.25.3
Environment: production
Command: ā€˜ghost install --archive ghost/core/ghost-5.70.2.tgz --db mysql --dbhost mysql --no-prompt --no-stack --no-setup --dir /var/lib/ghostā€™
Message: A supported archive file could not be found.

Looks like you havenā€™t actually copied the archive to the Docker file system.

You need to do that, so whatever commands you write inside your Dockerfile can actually access it. If itā€™s still on your host file system, docker will not have access to that.

Hereā€™s the documentation on that: Dockerfile reference | Docker Docs

In practice, it will look somewhat like this (this is directly from the Dockerfile I use to build custom docker images for Magic Pages, the Ghost host I am running):

# Copy custom ghost archive to /tmp
COPY /path/to/archive/archive.tgz /tmp

# Install Ghost from archive
RUN ghost install --archive /tmp/archive.tgz --no-prompt --no-setup --no-start

So, obviously you will need to adapt that a bit ā€“ but you get the idea :smiley:

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@jannis I am facing the same issue as TS.
The archive definitely gets into the image during the building process from previous stage, still no luck.
Apart from that, I get the same error if I just pull the official repo locally and run:
$ npm install --global nx
$ yarn install
$ yarn archive
$ ghost install --archive ./ghost/core/ghost-5.74.5.tgz --dir ~/ghost_installed

Message: A supported archive file could not be found.
Debug Information:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux, v12
Node Version: v18.19.0
Ghost-CLI Version: 1.25.3
Environment: production

The archive path and name are absolutely correct. Any ideas what is going wrong?

Hey Sergei!

I managed to replicate this and played around a little bit. Interestingly, it worked when I provided an absolute path for the archive:

ghost install --dir ~/ghost_instatlled --archive /Users/jannis/blabla/ghost/core/ghost-5.74.5.tgz

(obviously replace the /Users/jannis/blabla with the location of your Ghost directory)

Not entirely sure why though. I had a look at the CLIā€™s source code and this logic should mitigate that behaviour, in my opinion:

So, canā€™t get to the bottom of it right now, but using the absolute path should fix it for you :smiley:

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Changing the relative path to the absolute one worked like a charm :smiley:
Thank you!

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