I would like to create a travel blog, and I’d like to have the images of the continents on the home page, when you click on one of them a page will open containing only the states belonging to that continent, in turn when you click on a state you will see the cities connected to the state and last when click on a city I would like to see the articles / posts related to that city.
I don’t know how to handle all these subdivisions (continen->states->city->articles/posts).
-In you opinion, which is the best way to obtain this result?
-Do I have to create a customized HBS file for each continent, state and city?
I think it can be very expensive to do. I should really create many pages.
-Is there any way to create only one template for continent, state and city that fits the click request?
I’m making several attempts, but I can’t pass parameters via the URL, so I think anything dynamic can be created.
Please, any advice is welcome.
Kind regards,