How to stop resizing “hero” image on posts?

I’m guessing there’s a in config.production.json I can flag to do this.

"imageOptimization": {
  "resize": false

This doesn’t work for post cover images, only images in the post. In case you’re wondering why I want to do this, it has to do with JPEG HDR gain maps which are lost when resizing/compressing.

Any thoughts / help?

I’m using the new solo theme or Casper theme.

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I don’t see any other options than editing the themes to use original images in those areas instead of img_url helpers. Remove all those responsive image urls from Solo/partials/feature-image.hbs at main · TryGhost/Solo · GitHub and just use <img src="{{ feature_image}}" alt="{{title}}">. That should work.

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I’ll try it out. Thanks!