How to translate backend in Ghost 4.0?

I will use the ghost cms in Brazil, for my language, portuguese.

Where can I find a tutorial on how to translate the administrative part into another language? So far I have found only one tutorial for the public part, themes. But I would like to translate the backend.

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There is no translation support for the admin area.

It´s not to possible by the code?

Is it possible to create a translation extension in nodejs? Does GhostCMS accept extensions that allow you to translate the backend?

That wouldn’t be possible since the client is not server rendered

I understand the maintenance issues it generates but it remains a key problem to adoption.

I read in another post here on the forum that it was made for the user and not for the programmer. So translation is very important for the lay user.

As long as there has been no translation, it will not be adopted worldwide.