I am adding mongoose support to it, are you people willing to add it to Ghost Project? So I can create an issue and send a PR?
I don’t think it would be accepted since Mongoose is used for NoSQL databases, and Ghost is heavily dependent on relational (SQL) databases, and only a supports a subset (sqlite and mysql) of known RDBMSes
Can you share with us on github the implementation and send me the link please? I’d love to implement mongoose on Ghost blog
In its present state, there is no need to use mongo, as mysql and sqlite3 get the job done. HOWEVER, if ghost had more built in functionality like its own comment system built in, mongo db would be an appropriate choice- for example LynxChan (a node js message board) uses mongo. I would not anticipate much help from the original devs…they do not even bother including a comment system in ghost. If you make a fork tho, and implement mongo in a useful and advantageous way, then lots of ppl would test your fork and it would stand on its own merit. I would try it out myself
to what end tho? If ghost had more built in functionality like comments system built in mongo might be a useful choice. But as long as the mysql db is thoroughly checked for injection vulnerabilities, what would be the merit in using mongo? As it, ghost can use mysql or sqlite3 with high performance and one can install 10 websites on the same small vpn. Mongo would not even be able to do that so easily without a bit of work to systemd - but as is, the original db choices make sense, are useful for single or multiple installs, so there seems to be more merit in mysql than mongo- at least for ghost as it currently stands.
How about a json flatfile tho, to make ghost easier to install? That would be fun to try. I love mongo db but it does not offer any clear advantages to the ghost 4.x tho so I agree with you. It would be cool for him to fork ghost with mongo tho. Oah, and did ANYONE ever fork ghost yet with something useful or different? Kind of shocking if no one did, as ghost is lightweight and clean… (a little too light tho with no comment sys built in lol)
Ghost already supports exporting and importing your content (though it should not be used as a backup).
Forking Ghost to support Mongo would require rewriting the entire data layer, and making sure it’s still compatible with the API (which is used everywhere, both in the Ghost Core and through the Content and Admin API).
As a reminder, please keep discussions on topic. You’ve made it very clear that you feel comments are a must in Ghost, but that derails the conversation, and comments can be implemented with high performance in both relational and non-relational databases.