March 7, 2024, 9:49am
Hello there! Sorry I’m a newbie to CSS and HTML.
I’m using an hosted version of Ghost and the Liebling theme. I would like to implement a custom cursor in some specific pages / post. Is there a way to do this via code injection?
I have tried injecting the below in the header, but it’s not working
.body {
cursor: url('my_url'),auto;
Thank you!
Body is a tag, not a class, so you need to remove the .
Unless that theme has a body class…
March 7, 2024, 11:54am
Thank you Cathy! Yep that shows all my ignorance
I have tried removing the . , but it’s still not working.
I tried injecting both of the below, in both ghost_head and ghost_footer.
Would you have any suggestions?
body {
cursor: url('my_url');
body {
cursor: url('my_url');
March 7, 2024, 10:45pm
Ok I solved it.
For anyone looking into this in the future, code below.
The little extra trick was to resize the picture to a small resolution (100px did it for me, perhaps smaller than that is better):
cursor: url(your_url), auto;